Engineering Culture

Team Work Made Simple with Guilds

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How can we organize the collaboration of more than a hundred developers on a wide range of topics? How could they decide about good practices in the company? Those are some questions that drove trivago to give it a try on a different structure: the guilds.

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Large Scale CSS Refactoring at trivago

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While our company and our application were constantly growing, we often ran into some consistency issues between code and design. Because we didn’t have a design/frontend system and development guidelines to follow, our UI became cluttered and unsustainable.

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How to export a JavaScript module to multiple formats

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When publishing a JavaScript library, we usually want to make it available to as many people as possible to maximize the library’s usefulness and adoption. In that respect, it can be helpful to users to have the library available in their preferred module format - CommonJS, AMD, ES6, etc.

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Backend Open Source

tCache - Scalable data-aware Java Caching

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Caching data is an essential part in many high-load scenarios. A local 1st-level cache can augment a shared 2nd-level cache like Redis and Memcached to further boost performance. An in-process cache involves no network overhead, so the cache speed is only limited by local resources like CPU, memory transfer speed and locking.

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