Posts about Frontend

Read CSS done right - Post RTLCSS

CSS done right - Post RTLCSS

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Our first right-to-left platform was released in 2014. We had developed a solution to generate right-to-left CSS with Sass mixins and variables as we have described in a blog article. We used this approach for nearly 3 years but recently migrated the right-to-left CSS generation from pre-processing to post-processing with RTLCSS. With this article I would like to share the reasons for the migration as well as our experiences and lessons learned.

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Dropping IE8 Support: Consequences for JavaScript

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When people hear about dropping support for a certain Internet Explorer version, they mostly think of all the CSS hacks and workarounds that could be removed as a consequence. However, dropping support for IE8 can have subtle, but profound effects on your JavaScript.

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Large Scale CSS Refactoring at trivago

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While our company and our application were constantly growing, we often ran into some consistency issues between code and design. Because we didn’t have a design/frontend system and development guidelines to follow, our UI became cluttered and unsustainable.

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How to export a JavaScript module to multiple formats

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When publishing a JavaScript library, we usually want to make it available to as many people as possible to maximize the library’s usefulness and adoption. In that respect, it can be helpful to users to have the library available in their preferred module format - CommonJS, AMD, ES6, etc.

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Risk-free Migration From Assetic to Webpack

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Learn how we introduced webpack to build our JavaScript assets. One of the main challenges was to run both Assetic and webpack in parallel for some time, in order to run tests and to make sure nothing was broken. This was achieved without any code or configuration duplication by developing a custom webpack loader.

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