Posts about Engineering Culture

Engineering Culture

Code Review: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

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At trivago we have been using code reviews as a part of our process for a good while now. In the beginning they weren’t used by many teams but as word of their positive impact spread, more and more teams started adopting this practice, benefiting every day from its many advantages. Like any new practice it has been a learning process from the start. In this blog post I will cover why code reviews are incredibly beneficial when done right and will share what we have learned and which best practices we employ.

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Read A Large-Scale JavaScript Re-Learning Initiative
Engineering Culture

A Large-Scale JavaScript Re-Learning Initiative

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While rolling out our brand-new JavaScript framework to the trivago Hotel Search, we started the largest teaching initiative that our dev department has seen so far. 40 developers, many workshops, many screencasts, some newly discovered teaching talent, some frustration, a lot of puzzle pieces. Read how it went.

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Engineering Culture

trivago Tech GetTogether 2016

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With engineers spread across four offices, collaboration and communication in trivago’s IT is a challenge. Additionally, new engineers join the company all the time, which makes it even harder to figure out who to talk to about certain products, packages, and technologies.

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Engineering Culture

Team Work Made Simple with Guilds

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How can we organize the collaboration of more than a hundred developers on a wide range of topics? How could they decide about good practices in the company? Those are some questions that drove trivago to give it a try on a different structure: the guilds.

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Engineering Culture

Creating a Culture of Quality

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You know those bugs, like, those. Where the application state dances around you like a crazed Polynesian fire dancer. Where changing the sorting order of a search in London reverts the result list back to Paris… Seriously? Unfortunately, a lot of us are specialists in dealing with this kind of bug.

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